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时间:2016-11-30 16:45:55  
来源:www.pinghe.com  作者:平和英语村

  These days we often hear aboutthe widening gap between the rich and poor.Some arguethe developed world has totally ignored the problem. But has it?Close examination fails to bear out the argument.

  We’re often told thatthe world is tethering on the brink of destruction.But is this really the case?

  One of the most serious problems many people talk about centers onthe lack of adequate housing space.

  Perhaps the most dangerous phenomenon gripping the nation today isofficial corruption, which is pervasive in all levels of government.

  There is a growing worldwide awareness ofthe need for strengthened environmental protection.

  Traditional ways of thinking have changed dramatically. The pendulum has swungand people are exhibiting greater open-mindedness and a burning desire to determine their own destiny.

  There has beenundesirabletrend in recent years towardsthe worship of money.A recent survey showed that X percent of respondents rankedgetting richas their top priority, compared to X percent only a few years ago. Why do people fail to realize thatwealth does not necessarily bring happiness?

  Some months ago, a friend of mine was killed in a tragic automobile accident involving a drunk driver.The incident was far from rare, and was in fact typical of thousands of casesinvolving people driving under the influence of alcohol.

  In short, we must work diligently to make the world a better place for coming generations. We must not persist in pursuits harmful to the environment.

  We must avoidoverindulgence and conspicuous consumption.We must insteadcontinue to recognize the benefits of thrift in order to protect our newfound prosperity.

  Why are an increasing number of elderly Chinese parents living apart from their children?One reason isthe increasing upward mobility of the younger generation.Another isexpanding social opportunities for the elderly.Perhaps the main reason, however, centers ondramatic changes in traditional concepts.

  What has sparked the increasing interest inexercise?For one thing, people have gained a greater awareness of the need for physical fitness.For another, the constantly improving standard of living enables Chinese people to patronize the increasing number of recreational venues.The main thing perhaps centers onthe healthcare and psychological benefits exercise provides.

  Identifying the reasons for an emerging phenomenon which involves several complicated factors is far from an easy task. For example, somescientistsattributeenvironmental deteriorationtoa series of natural factors,while others place the blame solely oninappropriate human behavior.

  The explanation for the phenomenon ofthe rising teenage suicide rateinvolves many complicated factors. Some attributethe risetoan overemphasis on early success,others point tomounting peer pressure,and still others toconfusion over changing social values.

  Child developmentdepends on a number of factors, bothphysicalandpsychological. Correct parental nurturing from infancy through adolescencedetermines boththe physicalandmental profile of a mature individual.



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