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【Whiplash 爆裂鼓手】并非你想象的励志电影

时间:2017-02-10 10:04:35  
来源:平和英语村  作者:平和英语村

   19岁少年安德鲁(迈尔斯·特勒 Miles Teller 饰)成长在单亲家庭,一心想成为顶级爵士乐鼓手。某晚他在学校练习时被魔鬼导师弗莱彻(J·K·西蒙斯 J.K. Simmons 饰)相中,进入正规乐队,同时也开始为追求完美付出代价。安德鲁越是刻苦练习,与外部世界越是隔膜。唯一理解他的是弗莱彻,但后者的暴躁与喜怒无常扭曲了这段师生关系,更让安德鲁耳濡目染,连带自身的性格亦发生变化。最后当安德鲁终于登上纽约音乐厅的舞台,他才惊恐的发现原来弗莱彻一直等着将他打入尘埃...... 
  《爆裂鼓手》讲述一名少年在严师督教下,以非常规手段挑战自己的极限、追逐爵士乐鼓手梦的热血故事。主人公热爱打鼓,但过度的投入让他失去对音乐的初衷,进而演变为生命的负荷以及师徒间近乎疯魔的对决。电影不只有音乐人的苦痛,更让人看到传统励志背后的残酷真相。 《爆裂鼓手》获得第30届圣丹斯电影节最高荣誉评审团奖。

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1. For the record, Mets wasn't out of tone. You were, Ericson! But he didn't know. And that's bad enough. 

2. -You are here for a reason. You believe that right? 
-Yeah. I'm here for a reason. 

3. -What do you do? 
-I go to Fordham. 
-What do you study? 
-I don't have a major yet. 
-like what do you want to study? 
-I don't really know. I don't know yet. 
-So Fordham was just like a random school? 
-No, I've applied a bunch of schools, Fordham let me in. 
-Why do you go to Shaffer? 
-It's the best music school in the country. 
-Well Fordham is Fordham. 
-I don't love there to be honest. I guess it's just people there don't like me very much. I'm from Arizona, and I think they can see it. 
-I kinda feel the same way about people in Shaffer. I don't think they like me too much. But I don't... I don't care too much. I think it's just... it changes. You know people change, things work out. 

4. You gave a calculator to a fucking retard, he's gonna try turn on the TV with it. 

5. -I'd rather die drunk, broke at 34 and have people at a dinner table talk about me than live to be rich and sober at 90 and nobody remembered who I was. 
-Ah, but your friends will remember you, that's the point. 
-None of us were friends with Charlie Parker. That's the point. 

6. You walk in here an alternate, who knows you could be the new core. 

7. If you want the fucking part, earn it. 

8. -I'm just gonna lay it out there. This is why I don't think that we shouldn't be together. And I thought about it a lot. And this is what's gonna happen, ok? I'm gonna keep pursuing what I'm pursuing. And because I'm doing that it's gonna take more and more of my time. And I'm not gonna be able to spend so much time with you. And when I do spend time with you, I'll be thinking about drumming. I'll be thinking about Jazz and my charts and all that. And because of that you're gonna start to resent me. And you're gonna tell me to ease up drumming, spend more time with you because you're not feeling importrant. And I'm not gonna be able to do that. And I'll just start to resent you for even asking me to stop drumming. And we'll just start to hate each other. And it's gonna get very... it's gonna be ugly. And so... for those reasons, I'd rather just break it off clean. Cause I wanna be great. 
-And you're not? 
-I wanna be one of the greats. 
-And I'll stop you from doing that? 
-You know I'll stop you from doing that. You know that for a fact. 
-And I barely see you anyway 
-And when I did see you you treated me like shit because I'm just some girl who doesn't know what she wants. And you have a path, and you're going to be great, and I'm gonna be forgotten. And therefore, you won't be able to give me the time and day because you have bigger things to pursue. 
-That's exactly my point. 
-What the fuck is wrong with you? You're right, we should not be dating. 
然后你会因此开始怨恨我。你会劝我别那么玩命练鼓,多花点时间陪你。因为你觉得自己不受重视了。但我肯定做不到。我会因为你不让我练鼓而恨你,然后我们会开始互相憎恶,场面会场面会很难看。所以,考虑到这些,我宁愿现在就分手。 因为我想更优秀。 
你知道我会成为你的障碍,你就这么肯定? 即使我很少能见到你? 

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9. -Truth is, I don't think people understood what it was I was doing at Shaffer. I wasn't there to conduct. Any fucking moron can wave his arms and keep people in tempo. I was there to push people beyond what's expected of them. I believe that is an absolute necessity. Otherwise we're depriving the world the next Louie Armstrong the next Charlie Parker. I told that story about how Charlie Parker became Charlie Parker. 
-Jo Jones threw a cymbal at his head. 
-Exactly.Parker was a young kid. Pretty good on the sax. Gets up to play in the cutting session. And he fucks it up. And Jones nearly decapitates him for it. And he's laughed off-stage crie himself to sleep that night, but the next morning, what does he do? He practices. Never to be laughed at again. And he practices and he practices, with one goal in mind. And a year later he goes back to the Reno. And he steps up on that stage and he plays the best motherfucking solo the world has ever heard. So imagine if Jones just said. "Well that's ok Charlie", "That was alright, good job." and Charlie thinks to himself "Well, shit, I did a pretty good job." End of story. No bird. That to me is an absolute tragedy. But that's just what the world wants now. People wonder why Jazz is dying. I tell you man. Every Starbucks' Jazz album just proved my point, really. There are no two words in English language more harmful than "good job". But is there a line? You know maybe... you go to far, you discourage next Charlie Parker from ever becoming Charlie Parker? No man, no. Because the next Charlie Parker would never be discouraged. Yeah. The truth is, Andrew I never really had a Charlie Parker. But I tried. I actually fucking tried. And that's more than most people ever do. And I'll never apologize for how I tried. 
没错,那时候帕克还年轻,萨克斯吹的很不错,一路杀到淘汰赛,结果他搞砸了。为此,乔.琼斯差点没把他的头给砍下来。而且他下台后受尽奚落,那晚上哭着入睡,但是第二天早上,他做了什么呢? 他起来练琴。他不断练习,心中只有一个目标,永远不再被嘲笑。一年后他回到那个舞台,他走上台,然后演奏出了全世界最好的独奏。想象一下,如果琼斯只是说嗯,没事的,查理吹得还行,干得不错,查理自己心想:是啊,我演奏得真不错。故事就结束了。没有成功了。对我而言,这是绝对的悲剧。但是现在这个世界就想要这样,人们还纳闷为什么爵士乐在没落。我告诉你,星巴克里放的每张爵士专辑都很好的证明了我的观点。英语里没有比干得不错这种话更害人的了。 



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