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【WALL·E 机器人总动员】直到世界灭亡,依然对爱渴望

时间:2017-02-09 09:48:24  
来源:平和英语村  作者:平和英语村

  公元2805年,人类文明高度发展,却因污染和生活垃圾大量增加使得地球不再适于人类居住。地球人被迫乘坐飞船离开故乡,进行一次漫长无边的宇宙之旅。临行前他们委托Buynlarge的公司对地球垃圾进行清理,该公司开发了名为WALL·E(Waste Allocation Loa d Lifters – Earth 地球废品分装员)的机器人担当此重任。 

WALL·E 机器人总动员 2.jpg

在杨克镇之外,有另一个世界  Out there There's a world outside of Yonkers

在那遥远的地方  Way out there beyond this hick town, Barnaby

一个美丽的小镇,巴纳比  There's a slick town, Barnaby

那里阳光明媚  繁星闪烁  Out there Full of shine and full of sparkle

轻合双眸 也能看到它在闪耀,巴纳比  Close your eyes and see it glisten, Barnaby

听啊,巴纳比  Listen, Barnaby

穿上你的节日盛装 外面的世界才宽广  Put on your Sunday clothes There's lots of world out there

甩掉那廉价的发油和雪茄  Get out the brilliantine and dime cigars

让我们在晚风中开始探险  We're gonna find adventure in the evening air

一袭白衣的女子幽香了夜晚 灯光闪亮如同星辰  Girls in white in a perfumed night. Where the lights are bright as the stars

穿上你的节日盛装 我们驶过整座小镇  Put on your Sunday clothes We're gonna ride through town

我们乘坐敞篷马车  In one of those new horsedrawn open cars

前去观看戴尔莫尼克大饭店的表演  We'll see the shows at Delmonico's

我们熙熙攘攘,启程回家  And we'll close the town in a whirl

我们亲吻心仪的女孩  我们充满青春活力  And we won't come home until we've kissed a girl

"Buy N Large加油站" "Buy N Large Gas"

"Buy N Large银行" "Buy N Large Bank"

"大灾难!!!废弃物超量,Buy N Large总裁宣称:地球面临垃圾和危机"

WALL-E帮您摆脱垃圾 "清扫任务,使命必达!"

您家中垃圾成堆? Too much garbage in your face?

太空中还空着呢! There's plenty of space out in space!

BNL星际航班每日出航 BNL star liners leaving each day.

我们将在您外出时 把您家中杂物收拾妥当 We'll clean up the mess while you're away!

BNL舰队中的钻石,Axiom (Axiom:真理号) The jewel of the BNL fleet, the Axiom.

它让您五年的太空之旅豪华舒适 Spend your five-year cruise in style,

全天24小时无间断的周到服务 由全自动的机组人员提供 waited on 24 hours a day by our fully automated crew,

船长和机器人舵手 也将为您呈献无尽的娱乐 while your captain and autopilot

购物,就餐 chart a course for nonstop entertainment, fine dining,

全由畅通无阻的悬浮座椅效劳 连老奶奶都能享受其中乐趣 and with our all-access hoverchairs, even Grandma can join the fun.

您无需步行 There's no need to walk.

Axiom,星级航班公司的骄傲 The Axiom. Putting the star in executive star liner.

正因为BNL 太空才最终被开拓 Because at BNL, space is the final fun-tier!

周日周日不做周一事…  No Monday in your Sunday

周日不穿周一装!  No Monday in your Sunday clothes

当你低落时 就请穿上盛装  Put on your Sunday clothes when you feel down and out

昂首走上街头 别忘拍照留念  Strut down the street and have your picture took

穿得梦幻 精神似乎也已大好  Dressed like a dream Your spirits seem to turn about

如果你的气色如周日 那才是真的神采飞扬!  That Sunday shine is a certain sign. That you feel as fine as you look

我们都将忆起…  And we'll recall

当流年似水  When time runs out

只要一瞬间… It only takes a moment

就被爱上一生一世!  To be loved a whole life long...

这就是爱的真谛  And that is all that love's

一瞬间就爱上一生一世!  about a moment a moment To be loved a whole life long...

"警告 太阳能电量过低"

靠近我,抱紧我  Hold me close and hold me fast

你施的魔咒  The magic spell you cast

就是玫瑰人生  This is la vie en rose

你吻我时,天堂都向我敞开  When you kiss me heaven sighs

即使闭上双眼  And though I close my eyes

也能看到玫瑰人生  I see la vie en rose

当你将我贴近心房  When you press me to your heart

我就身处另一个世界  I'm in a world apart

那里玫瑰遍地怒放  A world where roses bloom

你开口说话 天使便会歌唱  And when you speak Angels sing from above

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※ 隐私声明