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【Hotel Rwanda 卢旺达饭店】经典台词

时间:2017-01-24 10:31:19  
来源:平和英语村  作者:平和英语村

   影片来源于一个真实的故事。保罗•卢斯赛伯吉纳(唐•钱德尔 Don Cheadle 饰)在乱世中开了一家饭店,这家饭店在杀戮如麻的世界中,就像一个绿洲供人休憩,救人性命。事件源于两国元首的罹难:他们分别是胡图族和图西族的首领,同乘一班机,却被意外击落。这样一来,两族人之间的猜忌和争斗开始了,胡图族人开始疯狂杀戮图西族人。 

Hotel Rwanda 卢旺达饭店.jpg

1.JackI think if people see this footage......they will say,"Oh,my god,that is horrible,"and then go on eating their dinners.



2.PaulThere will be no rescue......no intervention for us.We can only save ourselves.Many of you know influential people abroad.You must call these people.You must tell them what will happen to us.Say good-bye.But when you say good-bye,say it as though you are reaching through the phone and holding their hand.Let them know that if they let go of that hand......you will die.We must shame them into sending help.



3.George:You rich cockroaches at the hotel,their money is no good to them anymore.Soon all the Tutsis will be dead. Paul:You do not honestly believe that you can kill them all? George:And why not? Why not?—We are halfway there already.

乔治:你酒店里的那些富有的房客,他们的钱已经不再有用了,很快所有的图西族人都会被杀死。 保罗:你难道就没有想过?你们不可能将他们杀绝的! 乔治:为什么不能,我们已经杀掉一半了! 


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