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【The Unbearable Lightness of Being 布拉格之恋】生命不能承受之轻

时间:2017-01-03 10:20:26  
来源:平和英语村  作者:平和英语村

   本片根据米兰·昆德拉的同名小说改编。1968年,布拉格外科手术医生托马斯(丹尼尔·戴-刘易斯 Daniel Day-Lewis 饰)生活在对女人追逐的快乐中,享受着性的快感。画家萨比娜(莉娜·奥琳 Lena Olin 饰)是托马斯的红颜知己,但在一次去温泉疗养院出诊的过程中,托马斯结识了女招待特蕾莎(朱丽叶·比诺什Juliette Binoche 饰)。不久,特蕾莎只身来到布拉格,二人结婚。托马斯在婚后依然不改与萨比娜或其他女人偷情的恶习,特蕾莎无法忍受托马斯的不忠,深夜出走,却碰上苏联武装入侵捷克。三人先后逃亡至瑞士日内瓦,萨比娜认识了当地大学教授弗兰茨(德雷克·德·林特 Derek de Lint 饰),特蕾莎失去工作终日闷闷不乐,带着小狗卡列宁孤身重返布拉格。在自由与束缚之间,托马斯究竟该如何选择呢? 

The Unbearable Lightness of Being 布拉格之恋 2.jpg

1I really like you,Thomas.You are the complete opposite of kitsch.In the kingdom of kitsch,you would be a monster.

2--Are you only searching for pleasureOr is every woman a new land whose secrets you want to discoverYou want to know what she's going to say when she makes loveOr how she will smileHow she will whisperGroan...scream?你只是在寻找快感么,还是说每个女人都像新大陆充满了你想发现的秘密?你想知道她做*爱时会说什么或者笑的怎样?如何耳语?呻吟...尖叫?
--Maybe the very smallest...unimaginable details...Tiny things that make one woman totally unlike other.

3If i had two livewith oneI’d have her stay at my place.With the other,I'd kick her out.Then I’d compare and see which was best.But we only live once.Life's so light like an outline we can't ever fill in or correct make any better.It's frightening.如果我能活两次,一次,我会让她住下,另一次,我会把她赶走,然后我就会比较得出最佳的选择但是我们只活一次,生命是如此之轻,就像一个轮廓,我们无法填充或者修正让它变得更美好,真是可怕。

4I always try not to get too attached to a place,to objects.Or to people.

5And I had such pain from seeing you thar I started to pierce needles under my fingernails to stop the pain in my heart

6Some people never change.Some people are always scoundrels.

7Don't think a life is walk on a sunny meadow.Life isn't a walk on a sunny meadow and life isn't a walk on a rose garden.

8TomasI know I'm supposed to help you,but I can't.Instead of being your support,I'm your weight.Life is very heavy to me,and it is so light to you.I can't bear this lightness,this freedom.I'm not strong enough.In Prague,I only needed you for love.In Switzerland,I was dependent on you for everything.What would happen if you abandoned meI’m weak.I'm going back to the country of the weak.Goodbye.I'm sorry,but I've taken Karenin.

9There is love and there is sex,and sex is entertainment,like football.I know it's light.I wish I could believe you,but how can someone make love without being in loveI just don't know.Let me try.Oh,no.You're reject me if I tried.I wish I could be like you insensitive,strongstong

10I was forced to love my brother,but not to love this dog.You know,Tomas,maybe...maybe I love her more than I love you.Not more.I mean in a better way.I'm not jealous of her.I don't want her to be different.I don't ask her for anything back.

 The Unbearable Lightness of Being 布拉格之恋.jpg


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