平和英语村 > 英语学习 > 商务英语

实用商务英语口语: 如何询问别人的意见?

时间:2019-09-06 13:41:43  来源:平和英语村  作者:Myron


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1. Could I ask for your reaction to the statement of the spokesman? 



2. I take it you are not opposed to going to visit Mr. Robin for this coming weekend?



3. His words have your approval, haven't they?


4. I take it that his proposal has your approval.



5. I hope the cooperation had your support.



6. What's your attitude towards the cooperation?



7. Is the agreement acceptable?



8. Is the result satisfactory?



9. Could I ask if you approve of the contract?



10. You would be in favor of our proposal, wouldn't you?



11. Does it meet with your approval?



12. You've in favor of his project, aren't you?



13 .Are you in favor of this issue?



14. Do you think the idea will work?



15 .Are you for the teacher's decision?



16. Can I ask if you would agree that the world climate is deteriorating?



17. Would you agree with his words?



18. Don't you feel the price kills the business?



19. How do you feel about the conference?



20  Don't you think so?







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