平和英语村 > 学在平和 > 村干货


时间:2018-07-02 18:32:01  来源:http://www.pinghe.com  作者:Myron




      1. Count me in. 算上我一个呗。

  2. I'm gonna head out. 我准备走了。

  3. You stay out of this. 你别多管闲事儿。

  4. Is this the best you got? 这就是你最好水平了?

  5. Can I crash at your place? 我能睡你家吗?

  6. Can you put her on the phone? 你能让她接下电话吗?

  7. Could you do me a huge favor? 你能帮我个大忙吗?

  8. I really appreciate it. 我真的很感激。 

  9. You deserve it! 你活该!/ 这是你应得的!

  10. Where does that come from? 此话从何说起?


11. He was so pissed off. 他当时气得不得了。

  12. I owe you one. 我欠你个人情!

  13. Listen up, fellas. 大家都给我听好了。

  14. Hold your horses. 别催撒。

  15. I'm gonna throw a party this week. 这周我要开个party

  16. I'm just saying. 我只是说说而已。

  17. I failed you. 我辜负了你们的期望。

  18. How am I supposed to know? 你问我我问谁?

  19. Watch your tone, young man. 年轻人,注意说话语气哦。

  20. You got me wrong. 你误会我了。


  21. Hey, you wanna hang (out)? 喂,要不要一起玩啊?

  22. I'll make it happen. 我会成功的。

  23. He's not so dependable.他这人不是很靠谱。

  24. I've already lost face. 我已经很丢人了。

  25. She walked out on me. 当初是她抛弃我的。

  26. Let's take a short break.我们短暂休息一会儿。

  27. This guy is nuts. 这哥们绝对是个疯子!

  28. She's seeing someone again. 她又开始约会了。

  29. Almost slipped my mind. 差点儿忘记了。

  30. No reception here. 手机在这没信号啊。





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