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口语素材:Friends 朋友

时间:2017-03-18 11:09:57  
来源:平和英语村  作者:平和英语村


One of the characteristics for a friend I would prefer most is honesty. I think honesty is the foundation of a friendship. If friends cheat mutually and then there would be no trust between them. How can they even make friends? Secondly, a good friend should be reliable. Everybody certainly appreciate a friend who is a phone call away especially in his difficult time. Just as the old saying, a friend in need is a friend indeed. True friendship is strengthened in difficulties. For example, when a student bomb his exam, a good friend should encourage and be eager to help him.When I am making friends with someone, I often take these two as the vital standards.


I think my friends should have several characters as follows. First, we should understand each other. We don't need to hold the same opinion on every thing. But deep in our heart, we can understand the feeling of each other. Secondly, we care about each other in the true heart. I think my friend doesn‟t need to show his care by just words and I don‟t like artificial care. True friends will show up as soon as I have a real problem. At last, friend should be honest to me, I can allow for the white lie, but I he can‟t lie to me on purpose.

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