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时间:2017-03-06 13:44:55  
来源:平和英语村  作者:平和英语村


People seem to be using a ‘closed door’ policy when it comes to interacting with their neighbors. By contrast, there are some who still see the importance of opening some part of life to friendly neighbors. Being open-minded can go a long way towards helping to create a strong neighborhood that has a sense of community. Obviously, places where people know their neighbors are more secure than those where everyone remains a stranger. Some may argue that an online community is more current and up-to-date since the Internet is the most important means of communication for them. In reality, we need to rely on the power of our neighbors when dealing with complex and disturbing issues like local pollution or overwhelming noises. Specifically, participating in community activities and getting acquainted with neighbors would be the first step to help build a stronger neighborhood.   



人际交往能力 interpersonal skill   

和谐的人际关系 harmonious interpersonal relationship   

保持紧密联系 maintain a close contact with   

承担责任 shoulder/undertake one’s responsibility 

提升自我 upgrade oneself  

自我实现感 a sense of self-fulfillment   

表示尊重 show respect

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