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今日英语新词:公交狂躁症 & 友敌

时间:2019-10-22 14:16:51  
来源:平和英语村  作者:Myron Chen










Public transport rage describes the phenomenon that many passengers on public transport easily fly into a rage during rush hour. Commuters who are usually calm and well-behaved will argue or even physically fight each other in order to grab a seat. The stress caused by rushing to work and being held up in traffic jams contributes to these outbursts. (Source: Shanghai Daily)


公交狂躁症(public transport rage)指在乘车高峰时段,很多乘坐公共交通的乘客特别容易动怒。平时沉着冷静、行为有修养的人会为了抢座而与人言语相交、甚至大打出手。赶着上班的心理压力以及路上遭遇的交通拥堵等都是导致公交狂躁症的因素。


For example:


You may witness public transport rage everywhere during the rush hour, people are just complaining or arguing about trivial matters like overcrowdedness or someone’s foot being stepped on.





友敌 frenemy


俗语说:“在家靠父母,出门靠朋友。”朋友在每个人的一生中都扮演着重要的角色,不过具体是什么角色还要看朋友的属性来分,有些是bosom friend(知己),福祸与共;有些是acquaintance(泛泛之交),点头就过;还有一些则是frenemy(友敌),笑脸相迎,背后暗战。


"Frenemy" (alternately spelled "frienemy") is a portmanteau of "friend" and "enemy" which can refer to either an enemy disguised as a friend or to a partner who is simultaneously a competitor. The term is used to describe personal, geopolitical, and commercial relationships both among individuals and groups or institutions. The word has appeared in print as early as 1953.




For example:


Zack is John's frenemy. They get along in the office but both of them work on internal competing teams.






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