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【13 Going on 30 女孩梦三十】经典对白

时间:2016-11-22 17:21:48  
来源:http://www.pinghe.com/  作者:平和英语村

  13岁的吉娜(珍妮弗·加纳 Jennifer Garner饰)充满对大人世界的憧憬。她渴望散发媚惑的女人味,和梦中情人那样约会,得到男孩们的青睐。但这一切都只是她的白日梦,事实上吉娜在异性男孩中间似乎没什么吸引力,并被朋友捉弄了一番。跟邻家哥哥马特(马克·鲁弗洛 Mark Ruffalo饰)大闹一场之后,吉娜已经完全厌恶了这乏味的童年,她要赶快长大成人! 


Jenna: I don't know what Lucy said to you about me but I want you to know that whoever that was she was talking about wasn't me.
Matt: It doesn ' t matrter what Lucy said, I stopped trusting her after she stole my Pop Rocks in the third grade.
Jenna: Matt, l am not the awful person that l know that I was. I don't even know that person. And l'd ljke to believe, I have to believe that if you knew that, if in your heart, you really, really knew that, you wouldn't be getting ready to marry someone now, unless that someone were me.
Matt: Jenna, l'm not gonna lie to you. I have felt things these past few weeks, that I didn't know I could feel anymore. But I have realized in these past few days you can't just turn back time.
Jenna: Why not ?
Matt: I moved on. You moved on. We've gone down different paths for so long. We made choices. I chose Wendy. That's her family down there. We care about each other, you knew You don't always get the dream house, but you get awfully close. Please don 't cry, Jenna.
Jenna: Oh, l'II be fine, I promise. ( Matt takes the dream house down from the ctoset. ) MattY, can I have it ? Please ?
Matt: You're not gonna whip it at me ?
Jenna: No. Look, I won't have you late. Just go. Go on. l'm fine. I'm just crying because l' m happy. I want you to be so~ so happy. love you, Matt. You are my best friend.
Matt: Jenna. l, l've always loved you.

马特:我向前走, 你也向前走,我们已经分道扬镳了很久。我们已经做出了选择,我选择了温迪,她的家人就在楼下。你知道我们相互关心吗?你并不总是拥有梦幻小屋,但你非常接近。请别哭,珍娜。


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