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时间:2016-12-06 17:45:28  
来源:平和英语村  作者:平和英语村

 I fully understand the magnetic appeal of higher education in the U.S. for parents and students in the Chinese mainland with the resources to afford the relatively high costs (the average annual cost for a private 4-year college is US$42,419; and some range much higher than that).
“…be sure to wear flowers in your hair.” The above lyric was made famous by a 1967 song which topped the charts in the U.S., when San Francisco was at the cutting edge of the American counterculture movement.
“……记得在鬓间簪满鲜花。”这句歌词源于1967年曾荣登美国歌曲排行榜首位的老歌《三藩市》。而那一年的三藩市(San Francisco),正处在美国反文化运动的最前沿。
To put that in another way, international students are still a very small minority on any US college campus. This makes for a challenging social and cultural adjustment process for most of them.
In recent years, roughly 25% of graduating U.S. high school seniors apply for 7 or more colleges or universities.
Many decades before that, the traditional Chinese language name for San Francisco (旧金山) (literally “Old Gold Mountain”) was , for many Chinese, more or less synonymous with America itself. San Francisco was the gateway and first port of call for many if not most Chinese visitors, workers , and migrants during the 19th century.
No discussion of US university education today can avoid the ferocity of the competition for admission to top schools. It’s no surprise, then, that half of the universities and colleges with the largest enrollment of international students are public (ie state schools) rather than private institutions. The only Ivy League school in the top 25 in terms of international student enrollment is Columbia.
In recent years, apart from skyrocketing numbers of tourists from the Chinese mainland, the other big influx of Chinese into the U.S. is students. The bulk of these are enrolled in college and university degree programs, but the numbers in secondary school are also growing quickly.
Although its 15 chapters include one on “admissions”, the focus of the book is primarily not the admissions process, but rather all the other issues which would-be exchange students should consider when selecting schools as well as preparing for life and study there.
The authors discuss the overwhelming importance of sports in campus life, and the impact it has on the student community, including the language of college sports, which is huge. Like it or not, this is something international students will confront and need to adjust to.
For example, in the “Admissions” chapter: “Students should avoid agents or anyone who charges a fee. The free information and counselling provided by an EducationUSA adviser can help enormously.” (EducationUSA has branches in some 170 countries worldwide.) This will no doubt also come as unwelcome advice to the thousands of educational consultants and agents in China who are charging hefty fees – sometimes with added bonuses for success — to assist with admission into elite US colleges.
At the same time, I’ve often wondered how newly arrived Chinese students cope with what is an enormously different cultural, social and academic milieu.
Another big adjustment awaits in the classroom, given America’s tradition of liberal education, which strives to develop independent, critical thinking, innovation and problem-solving, questioning, debate and discussion. This is a far cry from what most Chinese students have experienced up to and including secondary school.
In recent years, roughly 25% of graduating U.S. high school seniors apply for 7 or more colleges or universities.
Understandably, many seem to stick together with other Chinese students, or other Asian students.
The book compares salient differences between state and private schools. It highlights some important aspects, including risks, of student life on campus.


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