免费英语学习资料 > 英语口语 > 日常口语


时间:2019-04-09 16:12:53  
来源:平和英语村  作者:平和英语村

morning 3_副本.jpg 



说到下下周的英语很多人的第一反应是不是“next next week”?这么说是非常Chinglish 正确的说法是“the week after the next”




1.around the clock

“around the clock”的意思是全天候,昼夜不断的,如果用来形容某个事物,说明它是24小时全天候营业的。

The hotel‘s service is great, there is always someone available to help you around the clock.这家酒店的服务很棒,总有人可以24小时帮助你。


2.call it a day/night


Right guys, you’ve worked really hard. I think it"s time to call it a night, I"ll see you all again tomorrow.是的,伙计们,你们真的很努力。我觉得该结束了,我们明天再见。

Neither of us was happy in the relationship, so we decided to call it a day.我们俩对这段感情关系都不满意,所以决定分手。


3.against the clock


I worked day and night against the clock to get this done on time.为了按时完成这项工作,我夜以继日争分夺秒地工作。


4.call time

“call time”的意思是宣布暂停

I think we should call time on this project. 我认为我们应该停止这个项目。


5.days are numbered

numbered有时日无多和有限的意思,所以“days are numbered”其实是表示某人生命已经时日无多。

The doctors say his days are numbered. They don‘t have much hope of him surviving this illness.医生说他已经时日无多。他们对他在这场病中活下来不抱多大希望。


6.eleventh hour

“eleventh hour”可不是什么十一点的意思,它真正的意思是最后时刻,刚好来得及

At the eleventh hour, he came first and won the race!他在最后时刻得了第一名并且赢得了比赛。

这个表达出自圣经的《马太福音》。古时候,有个富人想雇几个人到他的园子里去干活,他从早上五点就开始雇人,雇到最后一个人时已经是夜里很晚了。干完活后付工钱时,结果大早上来的和夜里来的都是一样的工资,于是一大早就开始干活的人极为不满,既然只要不超12点来做工的工钱都一样多,那还不如在最后时刻来呢。因此“at the eleventh hour”就成为了在最后时刻,刚好来得及的意思。

11点正确表达应该是“Eleven o’clock”


7.crunch time

“crunch time”的意思是关键时刻、关键时间,在“crunch time”做出的决定都是很重大的决定。

He knew it was crunch time.他知道这是关键时刻。


8.carry the day



Experts who know how to communicate clearly and powerfully carry the day.只有知道如何清晰有力表达的专家才能获胜。


9.big time

“big time”真正的意思是非常,很多,等于“very much”或者“a lot”

You owe me big time because I helped you with your school project.你欠我很多,因为我帮你完成了学校的项目。


10.hit the big time

“hit the big time”的意思是大获成功

After John hit the big time, he became very rich and forgot about all his old friends.John大获成功之后,他变得非常富有,把自己所有的老朋友都忘了。


11.five o’clock shadow

千万不要把“five o"clock shadow”翻译成“5点的影子,那可闹大笑话了!它真正的意思是男生一两天不刮胡子之后脸上出现的毛发。

You can"t go for your interview with a five o"clock shadow! Go and have a shave!你不能带着胡子去面试!去刮胡子!


12.a whale of a time

如果玩得很开心,就可以说“a whale of a time”

The theme park was so much fun. I had a whale of a time.主题公园非常有趣。我玩得很开心!


13.year in, year out

如果我们想说年复一年,就可以用“year in, year out”这个表达,即连续多年每年都会发生的事情。

Our family holidays are so boring now. Year in, year out we go to the same holiday resort and stay in the same old hotel!我们的家庭度假很无聊。年复一年都去同样的度假地待在同样的老酒店里!


14.a day late and a dollar short


They offered me a contract after I‘d already accepted another job offer – a day late and a dollar short!在我接受了另一份工作之后,他们给了我一份合同——就差一点点!


15.once in a blue moon


My grandparents live in Canada. I only get to see them once in a blue moon, because it’s very expensive to fly there.我的祖父母住在加拿大。我难得看他们一次,因为飞到那里太贵了。




When she found out that he had been two-timing her, she left him instantly.当她发现他背叛她时,她立即离开了他。




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