免费英语学习资料 > 商务英语 > BEC


时间:2016-12-07 11:33:37  
来源:www.pinghe.com  作者:平和英语村


Reducing Production Cost 降低生产成本


Quality supplier高质量的供货商

Efficiency of production line生产线的效率

Cost management 成本管理

Reducing business costs降低成本

Cutting corners偷工减料

Corporate identity公司形象

Cost- conscious注重节约成本的

TQM (total quality management) 全面质量管理

Production line 生产线,流水线

Specialist 专家

Shift work 倒班制,轮班工作(一般指三班倒,即day shift, evening shift及night shift)

Permanent schedule 固定班

Adjust to 对…适应

Hazard 危害,公害



What’s important when…?

Aiming to control production cost

1.Quality supplier

2.Efficiency of production line


Cost management is one of important contents of enterprise management. Most companies will improve the state of business by means of reducing business costs. It can obviously result in higher profits and a stronger enterprise.


Some companies would choose a quick way to cut costs by cutting corners in production or using cheaper materials, but it always can be a self-destruct of the corporate identity. A true Cost- conscious companies not only try to get quality from suppliers but also work with the suppliers to help them improve their operations and quality of output. Because low quality goods from suppliers is a major source of waste.


In addition, efficiency of production line is another important thing to consider. In these days of changing technologies and methods, it is necessary to update the equipment and train your workers to increased the efficiency of production.


Accordingly,it becomes very prominent problem to improve the quality and efficiency of production.

因此, 提高其产品质量和生产效率成为十分突出的普遍问题。




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