平和英语村 > 英语学习 > 全日制英语


时间:2019-09-02 16:30:38  来源:http://www.pinghe.com  作者:Frank




今天要给大家分享一些正确的全日制学习下的英语用法,让大家能够更好的和外国友人沟通交流。很多童鞋在说英语的时候多半“凭感觉”,觉得意思到了,犯些小错误也无妨。但正是这些小细节,让你的英语听起来非常不地道。有时,即便语法正确了,但由于不符合英语语言习惯(Idiomatic English),也会显得很别扭。



What is your job?


What do you do?




Word Choice  单词选择

1. 你的外套破了。

Incorrect: Your coat is broken.

Correct: Your coat is torn.


2. 总之苏珊没犯错。

Incorrect: Susan didn"t make a fault anyway.

Correct: Susan didn"t make a mistake anyway.


3. 能借你电话用下吗?

Incorrect: May I borrow your phone?

Correct: May I use your phone?


4. 他有所好转。

Incorrect: He becomes better.

Correct: He got better.


5. 外面天还亮。

Incorrect: It was still bright outside.

Correct: It was still light outside.


Verb Use  动词用法

1. 你就是在这点上弄错了。

Incorrect: This is where you mistake.

Correct: This is where you are mistaken.


2. 我哥哥一直在忙着准备期终考试。

Incorrect: My brother has been busy in preparing for his final examination.

Correct: My brother has been busy preparing for his final examination.


3. 劳拉用了半天时间复习功课。

Incorrect: Laura has spent half a day to revise her lessons.

Correct: Laura has spent a half day revising her lessons.


4. 我习惯了开灯看电视。

Incorrect: I am used to watch television with the light on.

Correct: I am used to watching television with the light on.


5. 饭后,母亲提议去散步。

Incorrect: After dinner, my mother suggested to go for a walk.

Correct: After dinner, my mother suggested going for a walk.





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