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时间:2017-01-01 15:37:43  
来源:平和英语村  作者:平和英语村


We are all so proud of you.  非常感谢!此刻我的心情无法言喻,能够在这所优秀的大学获得名誉学λ,我深感荣幸!能来这里参加2012年年度毕业典礼,我也感到受宠若惊!出发吧!海狸们!首先我要感谢雷校长,感谢她的精彩引介还有这项学λ的殊荣,也要感谢蓝达瓦教务长,以及朱莉.曼宁市长她也来到了现场,还有所有杰出的教员和管理者们,还有俄勒冈州立大学的领导们。我也要向汤佳(学生会主席)女士,以及所有即将在这个讲台上,发表演说的学生们致敬!我们为你们而倍感自豪!当然要对今天的明星毕业班的同学们说一声,祝贺你们!  We are so proud of how hard you’ve worked … and how much you’ve grown … and all that you’ve achieved during your time here at Oregon State.  我们为你们深感骄傲!我们为你们所付出的努力,以及取得的进步而感到骄傲!包括你们在这里所取得的各种成就 And I know that none of you did this alone. 我知道你们并不是一个人在努力  You all are here today in large part because of those beautiful people up in the bleachers — the folks who pushed you, and believed in you, and answered the phone every time you called — even when you were just calling to ask for money.  就像校长之前曾说过的那样,你们今天能够出现在这里,很大程度上要归功于看台那边那些美丽的人.那些勉励你们信任你们,ÿ次都会接听

你们电话的人,即使是在你们要钱的时候。  So graduates, let’s give a special round of applause for your families … today is their day too.  因此即将毕业的同学们,让我们再次将热烈的掌声送给你们的家人吧!尤其所有的父亲们,恰逢父亲节来临之际,今天也是他们的节日 Now, like all of you, I’m also here today because of my family.  As you know, Craig Robinson, your men’s basketball coach, is my big brother.  和你们一样,我也是因为家人而出现在这里。大家知道的克雷格.罗宾逊,你们的男篮教练也是我的兄长。  And last fall, Craig called me up and said that if I didn’t speak at this year’s commencement, he would tell mom on me.  去年秋天克雷格打电话给我说,如果我不来今年的毕业典礼做演讲的话,他会向妈妈告状的,  And since our mother now lives with me, that threat actually still carries some weight.  考虑到家母还和我们生活在一起,这种威胁还是管点用的。 But seriously, I’m not here today just because Craig has turned the Obamas into a family of Beaver Believers.  但说实话我今天能来这里,不只是因为克雷格让奥巴马一家成为海狸队的信徒  I’m also here because I’m proud of everything this university is doing for


※ 隐私声明