平和英语村 > 学在平和 > 村干货


时间:2018-07-18 19:37:00  来源:http://www.pinghe.com  作者:Myron



1. Wet Blanket
释义:dull or boring person who spoils the happiness of others
例句:Nobody asked him to join the group because he*s such a wet blanket. 没有人让他加入这个组,因为他是一个扫兴的人。

2. Keep Under One*s Hat
释义:keep something a secret
例句:I*ll tell you about it if you promise to keep it under your hat. 如果你承诺保守秘密,我就告诉你。

3. Up One*s Sleeve
例句:Mind telling us just what you have up your sleeve? 介意告诉我们你有什么锦囊妙计吗?

4. Dressed to Kill
释义:wear one*s finest clothing
例句:For the opening of the restaurant she was dressed to kill. 为了餐厅的开业,她穿了最好的衣服。

5. Give Someone the Slip
释义:make a getaway
例句:The murderer gave the police the slip. 杀人犯设法避开了警察。

6. Knock Someone*s Socks Off
释义:enthuse and excite
例句:The song knocked audiences* socks off. 这首歌震惊了观众。

7. Talk Through One*s Hat
释义:make foolish statements
例句:It*s plain to see that he was talking through his hat! 显而易见,他是在胡说八道!

8. Lose One*s Shirt
释义:lose a great deal of money
例句:He lost his shirt in the stock market. 他在股票市场赔了大量的钱。

9. In Stitches
释义:laughing very hard
例句:The comedian had us in stitches all evening. 喜剧演员让我们整晚都不停地笑。

10. Dressed to the Teeth
释义:dressed elegantly
例句:Did you see Hilda at the party last night? She was really dressed to the teeth. 你昨晚在派对上看见Hilda了吗?她是真的盛装打扮呢!





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