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口语素材:Favorite Park

时间:2017-03-23 13:36:17  
来源:平和英语村  作者:平和英语村


My city boasts the largest and the most famous garden in my province. It’s the JiuBin park which featuring the best of China’s modern gardens, is located in the western suburbs of Yixing. This Park, being built at a cost of $398 million and opened in May 1991, covers 8 hectares in Central and is an outstanding example of modern design and facilities blending with the natural landscape. 

A further attraction is the way of flowing water, which has been employed as a thematic motif to link the different features of the park by waterfalls, streams, ponds and cliffs from artificial rocks. 

It’s a nice place to go with your family and your friends. Most important of all, because of the trees there and the vast water surface, the air there is always fresh and has a high density of oxygen.In addition, there are a lot of vacant place where you can plan badminton, skate, dance or just watch. You can build up a strong body while strengthen the relationship between you and your friends. In fact, the people there start their day with jogging, doing morning exercises or aerobic exercises in the beautiful jiubin park.

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