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口语素材:Majors 专业

时间:2017-03-19 10:48:23  
来源:平和英语村  作者:平和英语村


I will choose the major I like rather than the major easy to find work.

First and foremost, studying in the area I love, I will work harder and will have a better result. I will have the desire to learn more about it but not anyone push me to do so.

Secondly, If I choose the major I like, that means I could work in the area I love as well. Isn't amazing? I can't imagine I work in the field I dislike for years just because I chose the major I don't like before.

At last, I am a person who will always bolster to do something they love. I won't follow the vogue or social trend. I think everyone  should have distinctive perspective. And everyone will find their destiny on the way they chasing for their dream.

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