GLV,established in 1998,was first known as The Peace Club.It is still known in Chinese as Peace English.From the beginning GLV has promoted an immersion experience.It now offers an intensive,immersion experience with classes and activities from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm.The classes range from formal textbook oriented sessions to informal discussion groups and leisure activities as described in our Step Theory.

GLV Campus



GLV Multi Culture

Offering more then just an opportunity to learn English,GLV strives to promote an attitude of international understanding and appreciation in students and staff.The gateway is open between China and the rest of the world by exposing students to a diverse mixture of nationalities,cultures,races and experiences in our teaching staff.At the same time our staff has the opportunity to become more aware and understanding of the worldview,culture and rich traditions of China.



In the words of Hong Xiu Ping,founder,"We are a learning community consisting of teachers from every continent of the world providing students with not just language skills but also values of fairness and justice without prejudice for anyone with different cultures, accent, skin colors or age. Our aim is not only to provide language training,but to expose our students to a wide range of world cultures and deepen their knowledge and appreciation of diverse societies.One cannot learn a language well without knowing

GLV Ping

the culture.As English has evolved into a world language,it is important for our students to know how it is spoken around the world and used as a tool of communication in and between different countries."



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